Donate to the forums!

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Donate to the forums!

Post by orudge »

I know it's something I go on about quite a bit, but it's been a while since I've posted a topic about donations, so I figured now would be the best time to do it. TT-Forums relies on your donations to keep running. Advertising covers a fair bit of the costs of running the server, but there is still a fair gap between the server cost and the money advertising brings in most months. This has to be covered by myself. Last year, the forums received a total of 114 million hits, using some 1,395GB of HTTP bandwidth (that's 1.36 terabytes!). The server was upgraded last year to an extremely fast, reliable new machine - you may take the speed of the forums for granted now, but on previous hosts, there were often times when you'd be sitting waiting for pages to load very slowly indeed! All of this has to be paid for, so if you can spare even just a few pounds/dollars/euro/currency of choice, please do so.

You can find the donation page here. Donations can be taken by PayPal, Moneybookers, e-gold and direct bank transfer. Within the UK, I can also accept cheques and postal orders. If there is another way you would like to donate, let me know and we can figure something out. Your donations are very much appreciated.

If you don't want to, or can't, send a monetary donation, you can use our Amazon affiliate links when you shop at, or Again, the donations page here explains that.

Thank you all for your support. (This announcement will be removed in the future.)
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Re: Donate to the forums!

Post by RandomAlien »

I start a new job soon, so when I get my first pay packet, I'll donate 10-20 GBP to the cause... Right now I'm on the dole and starving until I get that job! :lol:

Thanks immensely for all the work you do with these forums though, they're grand! Love you! :shock:
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Re: Donate to the forums!

Post by CMircea »

I'm thinking of starting with a friend a project to make some DLLs for a proprietary development system (and they'll most likely be proprietary as well if the liense of what libraries might be used allow that) so if it starts making any profit, Half of what I get goes to TTD related stuff.

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