TTDPatch Airports

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TTDPatch Airports

Post by harrydouthwaite »

Hey, I normally have a lot of planes in my TTDPatch (Trains too). So I was thinking, I have seen larger airports done for OTTD, but is there any reason as to why they cannot be imported into TTD? I have seen the train station GUI (Select type of station and type of station tile), couldn't they be used for the airports too? I mean, when you have more than 12 planes serving an airport, you need lots of terminals and gates, so is there anyway that the OTTD Graphics can be imported for TTDP use? If not, maybe this calls for a new version.
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Re: TTDPatch Airports

Post by Csaboka »

New airports aren't simply about graphics - if they were, we'd have implemented them a long time ago. The most important thing is the movement scheme, that tells aircraft how to behave on the airport. New airports in OTTD have hardcoded movement schemes, we don't want that in TTDPatch.

I was trying to add new airports as a NewGRF feature some time ago, but I got lost designing the movement scheme format, so that feature is on hiatus for an indeterminate period. Meanwhile, the OTTD devs came up with a spec for all the newairports feature, including the movement scheme, so if I ever feel like continuing my work on newairports, I'll adapt their spec.
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Re: TTDPatch Airports

Post by Rendall »

I thought the biggest problem was that those moves couldn't be coded in TTDP... and off course the "idea" to build airports just like stations is practicaly not to be coded. Thats why I was planning suggesting airports as modules. In that way it can be upgraded but only as it is possible with parts on which you know were they will be at the start of the game.

But a little cruel... a coder has once said in this kind of TTD topic.

[quote] This question has been asked thousend off times but let it be clear now and forever... airports cannot be coded. [/quote]

But I will ask the question an other time with you.

1 modules with just a little extra preplanned air scheme.
2 forget it, stop drawing that idea.
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Re: TTDPatch Airports

Post by Csaboka »

Rendall wrote:off course the "idea" to build airports just like stations is practicaly not to be coded.
That part is basically coded already. It isn't that flexible as train stations, though - there are no different orientations, no overbuilding, and you can't combine smaller parts to create a big airport. It's just the existing airport UI with a drop-down list to allow more airport types. You can already put your custom airport layouts on the map, but it doesn't worth much without a corresponding movement scheme.
Rendall wrote:Thats why I was planning suggesting airports as modules. In that way it can be upgraded but only as it is possible with parts on which you know were they will be at the start of the game.
I don't quite understand the idea, but it sounds more difficult to code than the current OTTD spec. It seems that if anything will be implemented, it will be (part of) the OTTD spec. It would be unreasonable to have two incompatible specifications for the same feature.
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Re: TTDPatch Airports

Post by Rendall »

2 forget it, stop drawing that idea.

And still concidering option 1 please skipp and res option 2

2 forget it, stop drawing that idea. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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